
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Episode 9: Interview With Becca Hansen
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Sunday Aug 03, 2014
Today on Free Indeed Radio we have something special for you. We had the privilege of interviewing Becca Hansen, one of our close friends and partners in the work of the Kingdom and the founder of a ministry here in Redmond Oregon called Full Circle Outreach and we were blessed by what she had to say. Her story and her heart for God and His children is so touching that we had to give what little we had so her voice for those who have none could be heard. May you be blessed today and walk in the Father's love.

Thursday Jul 24, 2014
Episode 8: Freedom In Christ
Thursday Jul 24, 2014
Thursday Jul 24, 2014
What does it mean when you hear people say "all my chains are broken, Jesus set me free!" To your average person this doesn't make much sense. But when we examine this question today "how do we become free and what are we free from?" as described by Paul, then you will understand just how free you are in the power and by the blood of Jesus. you are free from guilt, fear, shame, addiction, and bondages, even if you are still in the midst of it. Come and hear God's love for you.

Monday Jul 14, 2014
Episode 7: Can't Serve Two Masters
Monday Jul 14, 2014
Monday Jul 14, 2014
You shall either serve the one and hate the other or love the one and despise the other. There's no room at the top for two when considering the throne of our lives. Jesus lovingly warns us about the dangers of letting things creep to the top to replace Him. His love is so overwhelmingly steadfast and consistent that we as human's are drawn to it. But what happens when we get distracted, what happens when the lies we were given as children climb back to the surface? It comes down to choice, do we choose to serve ourselves and our perceived lack or need or allow Jesus to be true to who He is and serve us His love and affection? This and more discussed on today's episode of Free Indeed Radio!

Monday Jul 07, 2014
Episode 6: Does God Love You While You're Sinning?
Monday Jul 07, 2014
Monday Jul 07, 2014
If God loves you all the time, does he love you while you're sinning? How far does God's mercy go? He loves us, but does he like us? And if he likes us does he like us all the time? Today we explore that very question. It's the difference between freedom and bondage. Lets explore this.

Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Episode 5: Rising Above Culture Wars
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
Tuesday Jul 01, 2014
A war is being fought. You are on the front lines. The perimeters are set, the lines are drawn, the sentries are out, the armaments are at the ready and at dawn it's either us or them. Sadly the church and the culture surrounding it are these two sides. The Lord says "go into all the world and make disciples". "I am doing that!" you say. Today we explore just how isolated the church can be and how militant BOTH sides are, the reasons behind it, and the solutions or should I say The Solution to the problem at hand. Come learn how Jesus calls us above battle lines and lifts us up above culture wars into Grace.

Monday Jun 09, 2014
Episode 4: What is a Label? (Straight/Gay)
Monday Jun 09, 2014
Monday Jun 09, 2014

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Episode 3: Grace Vs Works
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Does living according to the ten commandments mean you are in God's good graces? Does God require you to live righteously so that you can be pleasing to Him? Or are our efforts to please Him futile because theres nothing we could ever do to be perfect? This western culture is all about what you bring to the table. In this episode we will discuss exactly what we bring to the table and what God thinks of it, the efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and the real extent of His love, or should I say the limitless reaches.

Monday May 26, 2014
Episode 2: Life VS Lifestyle
Monday May 26, 2014
Monday May 26, 2014
Are we as Christians called to change someones behavior? What is it about that that is so appealing to us? Does the way you live determine the way God looks at you? Christian culture has a nack for "calling them like i see them" as if we can determine someone's standing with God based on the way a person lives. In this episode we explore the difference between a person's life: who they are as a beloved creation, and lifestyle: what they do with that revelation. What are the implications of judging someone's standing with God based on their behaviors or life choices? What are we attempting to change when we minister to someone? All these questions asked and more on today's episode!

Monday May 19, 2014
Episode 1: What Not To Say
Monday May 19, 2014
Monday May 19, 2014
In Christian Culture so often when we are faced with something that makes us uncomfortable or we feel ill equipped to handle it gracefully and scripturally so what happens is you end up "speaking the truth in love" however this doesn't end up being very loving. In this episode we will explore what phrases are most commonly used to minister to those who are same sex attracted, the attitudes behind them, and the effects felt by each. We can all learn a lot from what God tells us to say, We can learn even more when we learn "What not to say".