
Monday Aug 24, 2015
Episode 19- The Foundry Church Week 1 (What is SSA?)
Monday Aug 24, 2015
Monday Aug 24, 2015
This week we will be starting to upload a four week series we did at the Foundry Church in Bend Oregon, the first of the subject matter being "What is SSA?". John and I give a little of our testimonies and get into the conversation with a bunch of loving willing people. We're excited to share with you :)

Monday Aug 10, 2015
Monday Aug 10, 2015
Today on Free Indeed Radio we interview Kent Hovind, a nationally renowned speaker on creation, evolution and dinosaurs. He recently served a 9 year sentence for "structuring", more on what that is later. But the interesting part is how his view of the world and his view of God has changed since being inside and seeing how the world operates. Today we listen to his point of view and talk with him about this life and experiences on Free Indeed Radio!

Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
Episode 17: Identity/Masculinity/Sexuality
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
Today on Free Indeed Radio we explore the intricacies of, you guessed it, identity, masculinity and sexuality. More often than not we look at sexuality as part of our lives when it actually becomes part of our identity because we as humans are sexual beings. So what is sexual identity? How or should we even find our identity in our sexuality? All this and more on today's episode.

Monday Jul 27, 2015
Episode 16: I Can
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
So often we look at ourselves as being broken and we're so painfully aware of what we believe we can't do. But how often are we taught that we truly can be different? That we can be changed? That we are changed in Christ? Today we explore this question and the story of Nehemiah.

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Episode 15: Romans Road
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
God so easily gets put into a box within the confines of our human thinking. And over the years we have even gone so far as to put the Gospel in a box. Today we talk about not just the Romans Road but the idea of a Gospel checklist and we take a look at the true power of God in the Gospel. Do you have to make it through every single point of the Romans Road to ensure salvation for the person? Why do we feel like failures or assume that there wasn't a saving faith if all points aren't accepted? All this and more today, come join us!

Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Episode 14: Vision and God's will
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Hello all! We're back! In this episode we will recap some things that have happened since we last met, one of them being how in life as we all know, sometimes things don't exactly go the way we planned. sometimes they look different, sometimes something God told you would happen has been delayed, its been changed from what you thought would happen, or its come about in a completely different way than you expected. In this episode we explore how we deal with when that happens and how to see God's grace in his vision and will for our life.

Friday Sep 26, 2014
Episde 13: Strife and Discipleship
Friday Sep 26, 2014
Friday Sep 26, 2014
Sometimes we don't believe right about God. Sometimes our views of Him can get skewed. Those skewed beliefs can result in all kinds of weird, hard, sucky, painful and just plain destructive things. Today we talk about "trying to get in the building" that'll get explained but it can be applied to pretty much any situation. Ultimately its "striving to make God pleased with me" And we talk about the thoughts that cause us to start to spiral and how to get out of them and how we can truly treat God as a close friend who WILL give us clarity on what is going on and how to see things with new eyes. So come and hang with us in the upper room on a hot september day and rest.

Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Episode 12: Personal Oaths
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Have you ever said "i will never be like that" or "I'm gonna be like that" or "i will do this". This kind of thinking can seem harmless. I mean who wants to be like their alcoholic father or emotionally distant mother? But today we explore the depth of what taking these kinds of oaths with ourselves and God do to us and how we can rest in His provision, His promise and his power to keep us from ourselves.

Monday Aug 11, 2014
Episode 11: Receive Your Righteousness From Jesus and Bear Fruit
Monday Aug 11, 2014
Monday Aug 11, 2014
Have you ever felt like "how can God like me? I'm so unrighteous so often and I fail all the time" Today on Free Indeed Radio we explore the depth of what God means when he says "their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more" and "Those who receive the free gift of righteousness will reign" Come today and listen to God's plan for your life and how to receive the free gift of righteousness!! Most people believe that salvation from hell is the only gift the free gift applies to. The free gift and the abundance of His grace is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!! When you receive, then and only then, you will bear fruit.

Monday Aug 04, 2014
Free Indeed Radio: Episode 10 Canary Cry Radio- The Gay Episode
Monday Aug 04, 2014
Monday Aug 04, 2014
Today we have the pleasure of getting to be interviewed by Basil and Gonz of Canary Cry Radio! They had amazing questions and awesome insight and we are so grateful for getting to be on their show!