
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Episode 28: Inclusivity
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Why do we seek to be inclusive and tolerant? Is it human nature or a recent development? Frankly, we are a bit skeptical that anybody truly adheres to a fully coherent sense of what inclusivity means. Given that Christianity is pretty much the most inclusive thing out there because "God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son so that WHOEVER believes in Him shall never die but have everlasting life", why does our sense of inclusivity break down? Where does it break down? And why does it seem to be that the ones who proclaim the most inclusiveness actually seem to live in an exclusive club? Where is God in all of this? Listen in and we'll go there together.

Saturday Feb 11, 2017
Episode 27: Rising Above Culture Wars (revisited)
Saturday Feb 11, 2017
Saturday Feb 11, 2017
Everyone (for the most part) wants to get along. Today on Free Indeed Radio John and Brandon begin the conversation on what it means to be a Christian in this time of volatile culture war. What have we lost and what are we gaining as we choose to live with Christ as the head of our lives in this time when we're being split in half? What does it mean to live with grace at the forefront here and now?

Monday Feb 08, 2016
Episode 26:Sex, Love, Intimacy, Relationships
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Today we take a quick look at some personal experience of growing up with a skewed understanding of sex love and intimacy and how God is more than powerful enough to change the way we think. In our culture today and even in Christian culture we have a rough time having freedom and giving freedom to people and ourselves to be in romantic relationships and we have so many poorly formed notions on what it means to love and be loved by Jesus and each other.

Tuesday Feb 02, 2016

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Episode 22: Foundry Church Seminars Week 4
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
This episode we talk about the things in our minds that separate us from them, Christians from non Christians, believers from non believers, and we see that the evidence for redemption isn't always what we think. Sometimes our pictures of what separates us are actually mirrors into our own perceptions of God.

Monday Feb 01, 2016
Episode 25: "Finding God's Will"
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
"If it's God's will" We seem to say that a lot nowadays. Why do we say this? Does it add any power to our prayers? How do we know if something is truly God's will in for our lives? Can we know God's will for our lives? Today we begin the exploration of these questions and more.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Episode 24: "I am __" "You aren't your ___"
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
There are so many things in the world that we grow up thinking define us. This week we expose a few more that you might not have thought of before. When we understand what exactly defines us Christ shows us all the things we thought defined us before and exposes the truth. You're not who you thought you were.

Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Episode 23: The Iron Show Interview
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
Sunday Dec 13, 2015
John speaks with Johnny Iron of the Iron Show and Rabbi Mike on homosexuality, The Law, God's Grace and His unconditional love for us all.

Monday Aug 31, 2015
Episode 21-Foundry Church Seminars Week 3
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Monday Aug 31, 2015
The third week in our four week series at the Foundry Church in Bend OR. This week we talk about how sexuality has been morphed around and jumbled together in the mind and how love, sex, and intimacy are all truly independent of themselves and can be experienced separately as well as together and how we have been trained to see them as one big mess, and we will talk bout how sex has a much deeper profound effect on us that we realize.

Monday Aug 31, 2015
Episode 20: Foundry Church Seminars- Week 2
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Monday Aug 31, 2015
The second installment of John and I speaking at The Foundry Church in Bend Oregon with the message of Free Indeed and God's grace. this week we talk about the appropriate responses to our situations and the difficulty of navigating the waters of sexual identity with someone and how we can best represent Christ and his love to those around us.